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Athletic Handbook and Forms
Buffalo Diocese Athletic Handbook: The Buffalo Diocese has released an updated Elementary Athletic Handbook, linked below. The Handbook includes rules and guidelines for all of our sports leagues. Also within this handbook are a parents and player code of ethics, coaches agreement and code of ethics and sports team rosters. Please read through this handbook and make sure each league you participate in follows Diocesan Standards.
VIRTUS Training and Certification: The Diocese of Buffalo requires all coaches to attend the "Protecting God's Children" seminar before beginning any coordinated activity with the students. This seminar is the only formal requirement to coach. It is a seminar you only need to take once and is offered at many different dates and locations within the Diocese. Please go to the National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc. VIRTUS Online web site for more details. QOH Permission Slips, Sports Fees and Deadlines: All students are required to (1) submit a completed/updated Permission Slip, (2) pay the applicable Registration fees and Uniform Deposits, and (3) have an updated Sports Medical Physical Form on file with the school nurse before they can be permitted to participate in any sporting event (including practices and games). Please send the (a) completed Permission Slip / Registration Form, (b) $25 Registration fee, and (c) $75 Uniform deposit in an envelope marked "Sports Forms" to the school office by the deadlines listed below for each season. Students cannot participate in any sport without submitting the fees, uniform deposits and a completed Permission Slip from the parent. No player will be guaranteed a roster spot on any team until Permission Slips, fees and deposits are turned in. Deadlines to submit Permissions slips, fees and uniform deposits: For all Fall Sports: must be submitted by July 15 (but please try to submit before the end of the school year) For all Winter Sports: must be submitted by October 24 For all Spring Sports: must be submitted by February 22 1) Permission Slips: A separate Permission Slip is required for each student, for each sport, and for each sports season. A link to the current Permission Slip is below. 2) Registration Fees and Uniform Deposits: There is also a Registration fee and a separate Uniform Deposit required for each sport played by each student. The amounts of these fees will be increased for the 2022-23 School year. -For the registration fee, please submit a $25 check made out to "Queen of Heaven School - Sports Program" with (a) the student's name, (b) grade, and (c) sport written on the check, and (d) the words "Sports Registration Fee." -For the uniform deposit, please submit a separate $75 check made out to "Queen of Heaven School - Sports Program," with (a) the words "Uniform Deposit" and (b) the student's name, (c) grade, and (d) sport. The uniform deposit check will not be cashed unless the student fails to turn in the uniform at the end of the season. (See Uniform Deposit policy described on the Main Athletics page of this website). No cash or checks should be given directly to coaches, but should be sent in through the school office. 3) A Valid Sports Medical Physical Form must also be on file with the School Nurse. If you do not have a valid Sports Physical Form, please contact your child’s Doctor. If your child’s medical form at the school is NOT valid, you will be notified and the student will not be permitted to participate in the sport until the update forms are submitted to the School Nurse. The Medical Sports Physical Form is good for 1 year. If it valid the first day of that sport’s practice it will be considered valid for that sport’s season.
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